We’re planning to upgrade Gimp to 2.10.4

It introduce new dependencies and give these errors while configuring

Error: GIMP configuration failed.

  - Error: missing dependency gexiv2 >= 0.10.6
  - Error: missing dependency poppler-data >= 0.4.7

However, we have exactly these two packages in our repo which version complies

testing/libgexiv2 0.10.8-1
core/poppler-data 0.4.8-1

Why would Gimp complains about not finding them?

We first look at the packages if they were broken

pacman -Ql poppler-data 
poppler-data /usr/
poppler-data /usr/local/
poppler-data /usr/local/share/
poppler-data /usr/local/share/pkgconfig/
poppler-data /usr/local/share/pkgconfig/poppler-data.pc
poppler-data /usr/local/share/poppler/
poppler-data /usr/local/share/poppler/cMap/


libgexiv2 /usr/local/
libgexiv2 /usr/local/include/
libgexiv2 /usr/local/include/gexiv2/
libgexiv2 /usr/local/include/gexiv2/gexiv2-enums.h
libgexiv2 /usr/local/include/gexiv2/gexiv2-log.h
libgexiv2 /usr/local/include/gexiv2/gexiv2-managed-stream.h
libgexiv2 /usr/local/include/gexiv2/gexiv2-metadata.h
libgexiv2 /usr/local/include/gexiv2/gexiv2-preview-image.h
libgexiv2 /usr/local/include/gexiv2/gexiv2-preview-properties.h
libgexiv2 /usr/local/include/gexiv2/gexiv2-startup.h
libgexiv2 /usr/local/include/gexiv2/gexiv2-version.h
libgexiv2 /usr/local/include/gexiv2/gexiv2.h
libgexiv2 /usr/local/lib/
libgexiv2 /usr/local/lib/girepository-1.0/
libgexiv2 /usr/local/lib/girepository-1.0/GExiv2-0.10.typelib
libgexiv2 /usr/local/lib/libgexiv2.so
libgexiv2 /usr/local/lib/libgexiv2.so.2
libgexiv2 /usr/local/lib/libgexiv2.so.2.0.0
libgexiv2 /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/
libgexiv2 /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/gexiv2.pc
libgexiv2 /usr/local/share/
libgexiv2 /usr/local/share/gir-1.0/
libgexiv2 /usr/local/share/gir-1.0/GExiv2-0.10.gir
libgexiv2 /usr/local/share/vala/
libgexiv2 /usr/local/share/vala/vapi/
libgexiv2 /usr/local/share/vala/vapi/gexiv2.deps
libgexiv2 /usr/local/share/vala/vapi/gexiv2.vapi

This is wrong, we distributor wouldn’t install files to /usr/local at all!

Time for fix!


Blame me @5dc7d90c

And a round up @ee31d77a


The souce code includes a matured Makefile and a CMakeLists.txt, we can directly install files via make install

Or, we can regenerate the Makefile from cmake


The INSTALLING instruction doesn’t work at all.

From our PKGBUILD, we know that this package is using meson and ninja as compile system.

Thanks to Arch’s helper wrapper of meson, we have a bunch of predefined variables to use across packages

The fix is straight-forward, we use chakra-meson instead of directly call meson at compiling. [ref.]

gimp revisit

By pacman -Sii libgexiv2, we found that it is a dependency of gegl, which is a dependency of gimp

After re-synced the repository, we rebuild gegl first.

Then, we upgrade gimp.

Now that we have updated Gimp in Chakra!

Thanks @AlmAck and @FranzMari for importing the missing dependencies and test the glib2 update